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████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:3,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:3,000 ]

Wukong was angry at the guard at the southern gate of Heaven.

"Why can't you close the gate and dim the stars?"

The guard looked nervous.

"I can do that only if I have permission from the Jade Emperor."

"I'm trying to save the Tang Monk!" cried Wukong.

"A demon is planning to eat him."

"I'm sorry," said the guard.

"But I can't help you."

Wukong's eyes became dark and angry.

He pulled the iron bar out of his ear.

A messenger ran into the Cloud Palace and bowed.

"Sun Wukong is at the southern gate of Heaven, Your Majesty.

He's going to destroy Heaven if we don't do what he says."

The Jade Emperor slammed his fist down.

"That rotten monkey!

What does he want?"

"He wants us to close the gate and dim the stars," said the messenger.

"Why?" asked the emperor.

"He wants to pretend Heaven got sucked into a gourd," said the messenger.

The Jade Emperor looked confused.

"Why does he want to do that?"

"He didn't say," said the messenger.

"He just said he's trying to save the Tang Monk."

The Jade Emperor sighed.

"You have my permission to close the gate and dim the stars.

I don't want any more trouble from that monkey."

The messenger returned to the gate.

"We will close the gate and dim the stars," he said.

"Good," said Wukong.

He put the iron bar back in his ear.

"Wait until I say'Heaven.'"

Wukong returned to his body, which was still in disguise as a demon.

"Now I will call to Heaven," said the monkey to the demon.

"The whole place will get sucked into this gourd."

He held up the gourd. "Heaven!"

Right away the sky went dark.

"Amazing!" cried the demon.

"All of Heaven is now in that gourd?"

"Yes," said Wukong.

"All the stars, planets, spirits, and gods are in here.

Even the Cloud Palace is in here, with the Jade Emperor too!

Now I will let Heaven back out."

He held up the gourd. "Heaven, return!"

The sky lit up again.

"Fascinating!" said the demon.

"Let's trade gourds!"

He handed his gourd to Wukong.

Wukong gave the fake gourd to the demon.

Then he made the real gourd tiny and hid it in his robe.

"I'll try to capture Heaven now," said the demon.

He held up the gourd. "Heaven!"

Nothing happened.

"Heaven!" said the demon again. "Heaven! Heaven!"

He looked at the gourd.

"This gourd isn't working.

What's wrong with it?"

Wukong laughed and made the fake gourd disappear.

Then he made himself invisible.

"I was tricked!" cried the demon.

"I must tell Golden Horn."

The demon ran off, and Wukong followed.

Soon the road went up a mountain.

The demon ran into a cave.

Wukong made himself visible and stormed into the cave.

Looking around at the group of demons, he pulled out his iron bar.

"Return my friends at once!" he shouted.

"Or I'll clobber all of you!"

"Ahh!" cried the small demons.

They ran in every direction, tripping over one another.

Wukong swung his iron bar at Golden Horn.

The demon stepped out of the way and pulled a golden rope from his sleeve.

He swung the rope, and it shot toward Wukong.

The monkey tried to get out of the way, but the rope snagged him.

It looped around his waist.

The more Wukong tried to wriggle free, the tighter the rope got.

Golden Horn laughed.

"You'll never escape the golden rope.

Tonight I will dine on the Tang Monk!"


tricked [trikt] n. 诡计;恶作剧;窍门;花招;骗局;欺诈 vt. 欺骗;哄骗;装饰;打扮 vi. 哄骗;戏弄 adj. 特技的;欺诈的;有决窍的 n. (Trick)人名;(英)特里克 { :3068}

sighed [said] 叹息 { :3085}

emperor [ˈempərə(r)] n. 皇帝,君主 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :3161}

rope [rəʊp] n. 绳,绳索 vt. 捆,绑 vi. 拧成绳状 n. (Rope)人名;(英)罗普;(芬)罗佩 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :3309}

slammed [slæmd] v. 猛烈抨击(slam的过去分词);猛撞 adj. 猛烈抨击的;猛砸的 { :3458}

confused [kənˈfju:zd] v. 困惑(confuse的过去式) adj. 困惑的;混乱的;糊涂的 { :3518}

cave [keɪv] n. 洞穴,窑洞 vi. 凹陷,塌落;投降 vt. 使凹陷,使塌落;在…挖洞穴 n. (Cave)人名;(西)卡韦;(英)凯夫;(法)卡夫 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :3562}

sucked [sʌkt] v. 吸,吮;吸收;吞没(suck的过去分词) { :3618}

horn [hɔ:n] n. 喇叭,号角;角 vt. 装角于 n. (Horn)人名;(英、德、匈、捷、罗、波、芬、希、瑞典)霍恩;(法)奥尔恩;(柬)洪 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl gre :3653}

invisible [ɪnˈvɪzəbl] adj. 无形的,看不见的;无形的;不显眼的,暗藏的 {cet4 cet6 ky ielts :3811}

fist [fɪst] n. 拳,拳头;〈口〉笔迹;掌握;[印]指标参见号 vt. 紧握;握成拳;用拳打 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :3881}

fascinating [ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ] adj. 迷人的;吸引人的;使人神魂颠倒的 v. 使…着迷;使…陶醉(fascinate的ing形式) {cet6 toefl ielts :3933}

bowed [bəʊd] adj. 有弓的;弯如弓的 { :4098}

sleeve [sli:v] n. [机] 套筒,[机] 套管;袖子,[服装] 袖套 vt. 给……装袖子;给……装套筒 {gk cet4 cet6 ky :4169}

looped [lu:pt] adj. 成圈的;酩酊大醉的 v. 成圈;打环(loop的过去式和过去分词) { :4250}

waist [weɪst] n. 腰,腰部 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :4304}

monkey [ˈmʌŋki] n. 猴子;顽童 vi. 胡闹;捣蛋 vt. 嘲弄 {zk gk cet4 ky :4558}

monk [mʌŋk] n. 僧侣,修道士;和尚 n. (Monk)人名;(柬)蒙;(德、法、英)蒙克 {cet6 :4817}

fake [feɪk] n. 假货;骗子;假动作 adj. 伪造的 vt. 捏造;假装…的样子 vi. 假装;做假动作 n. (Fake)人名;(英)费克 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5098}

robe [rəʊb] n. 长袍,礼服;制服 vi. 穿长袍 vt. 使穿长袍 n. (Robe)人名;(德、罗、塞)罗贝;(英、法)罗布 {cet4 cet6 ky gre :5241}

majesty [ˈmædʒəsti] n. 威严;最高权威,王权;雄伟;权威 {cet6 ky toefl :5294}

demon [ˈdi:mən] n. 恶魔;魔鬼;精力充沛的人;邪恶的事物 n. (Demon)人名;(塞)德蒙 { :5407}

demons ['di:mənz] n. 魔族,恶魔;[计] 守护程序 n. (Demons)人名;(法)德蒙 { :5407}

disguise [dɪsˈgaɪz] n. 伪装;假装;用作伪装的东西 vt. 掩饰;假装;隐瞒 {cet4 cet6 ky ielts gre :5545}

dim [dɪm] n. 笨蛋,傻子 adj. 暗淡的,昏暗的;模糊的,看不清的;悲观的,怀疑的 vt. 使暗淡,使失去光泽;使变模糊 vi. 变模糊,变暗淡 n. (Dim)人名;(俄)季姆;(柬)丁 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5733}

rotten [ˈrɒtn] adj. 腐烂的;堕落的;恶臭的;虚弱的;极坏的 adv. 非常 n. (Rotten)人名;(法、德)罗滕 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl gre :6433}

messenger [ˈmesɪndʒə(r)] n. 报信者,送信者;先驱 n. (Messenger)人名;(德)梅森格;(英)梅辛杰 {cet4 cet6 ky :6537}

dine [daɪn] vi. 进餐,用餐 vt. 宴请 n. (Dine)人名;(意、葡)迪内;(英)戴恩;(法)迪纳 {gk cet6 ky ielts :7360}

wriggle [ˈrɪgl] vt. 使蠕动;蠕动到;不知不觉地潜入 vi. 蠕动;蜿蜒而行 n. 蠕动;扭动 { :8986}

snagged ['snægɪd] n. 勾破;攫取(snag的过去式和过去分词) adj. 水中多障碍的;为障碍所阻的 { :9696}

jade [dʒeɪd] n. 翡翠;[宝] 碧玉;老马 adj. 玉制的;绿玉色的 vt. 使疲倦 vi. 疲倦 n. (Jade)人名;(英)杰德;(法)雅德 {gre :10730}

gourds [gɔ:dz] n. 葫芦( gourd的名词复数 ) { :15584}

gourd [gʊəd] n. 葫芦,葫芦属植物;脑瓜 n. (Gourd)人名;(法)古尔;(英)古尔德 { :15584}

tang [tæŋ] n. 特性;强烈的味道;柄脚 vt. 使声尖锐;装刀柄于 vi. 发出铿锵声;发出当的一声 n. (Tang)人名;(柬、缅)当 { :15960}

clobber [ˈklɒbə(r)] n. 软膏;环草胺除草剂 vt. 击倒;痛打 { :19903}

gate [geɪt] n. 大门;出入口;门道 vt. 给…装大门 n. (Gate)人名;(英)盖特;(法、瑞典)加特 {zk gk :1707}

heaven [ˈhevn] n. 天堂;天空;极乐 n. (Heaven)人名;(英)希文 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :2626}

dine on [dain ɔn] na. 吃(鸡) [网络] 享用饮食;在进餐时吃;用……餐

disguise as [ ] [网络] 扮作;改装;假扮

Golden Horn [ ] na. (土耳其的)伊斯坦布尔港 [网络] 金角湾;金角湾渡轮游;黄金角

in disguise [ ] na. 假装的;伪装的 [网络] 乔装;假象;假扮

iron bar [ ] un. 铁棒;铁条;钢条 [网络] 铁棍;铁锭;铁棍子

Jade Emperor [ ] [网络] 玉皇大帝;玉帝;玉帝信仰的演化

loop around [ ] un. 循环 [网络] 绕一圈;回路循环

suck into [ ] 〈英俚〉拍…马屁,巴结

the cloud [ ] [网络] 云朵;云端;电脑云

the emperor [ðə ˈempərə] [网络] 皇帝;皇家驿栈;国王

the gate [ ] [电影]开错鬼门关

the Monkey [ ] [网络] 猴子;西游记;猕猴猴趣

the rope [ ] [网络] 绳子;绳索;一根绳子

to Heaven [ ] na. 极度地 [网络] 寄给天堂的心;天堂之歌;寄给天国

Your Majesty [ ] na. 陛下;“Your/His/Her Majesty”的变体 [网络] 主公;尊敬的女王陛下;女王称陛下

he held up the gourd
said the messenger

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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